By James Buford | Written & Edited for Furgersen7
Email: f7@furgersen7.com


You’ve got to be a thermostat rather than a thermometer. A thermostat shapes the climate of opinion; a thermometer just reflects it.
— Cornel West

Should Dr. Cornel West be a presidential contender for 2024? This week marks the emergence of a formidable figure in the race – Dr. Cornel West. Renowned for his intellectual prowess and advocacy, Dr. West currently holds the esteemed position of Dietrich Bonhoeffer Professor of Philosophy and Christian Practice. His ability to engage in complex policy debates and make well-informed choices is unquestionable. Dr. West's dedication to social justice is unwavering, as he takes up the mantle against racial injustice, poverty, and inequality. He places an emphasis on diplomacy in foreign policy, challenging the dominance of corporate interests and calling for a more equitable global order.

However, it's worth delving deeper into Dr. West's impact beyond theoretical discourse. He is a man of action, displaying his global empathy through direct foreign aid and confronting the challenges of climate change head-on. Dr. West's role as a bridge-builder between academia and creative expression gives marginalized voices a platform to be heard. Moreover, his personal journey, shaped by experiences with immigration and a steadfast stand against historical wrongs, forms the foundation of his vision for an inclusive future where equal opportunities abound.

Dr. West's ambitions extend across economic justice, gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and immigration reform, promising a society built on compassion and inclusivity. His unwavering commitment to dismantling systemic inequalities deeply resonates with the black community and anyone striving for a brighter tomorrow. Dr. Cornel West is more than just a contender – he embodies a force that drives meaningful progress. Here are 20 compelling reasons why his candidacy holds the potential to usher in a future that is both fairer and more radiant in the 2024 presidency. At the very least, Dr. West's presence promises to illuminate the path ahead.

Great Interview with 2024 presidential candidate Dr. Cornel West via Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM




Academic Brilliance

In the realm of academia, Dr. Cornel West's impressive credentials shine brightly. Holding the esteemed Dietrich Bonhoeffer Professor of Philosophy and Christian Practice position, he exemplifies a profound intellectual capacity, making him a formidable contender in complex policy discussions. His scholarly journey, which includes teaching courses on African-American Critical Thought and a range of subjects, mirrors a commitment to expanding minds and fostering critical thinking.

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Social Justice

Embedded within Dr. West's DNA is an unwavering dedication to addressing the entrenched racial injustice, poverty, and inequality issues. His persistent advocacy is a powerful testament to his commitment to amplifying the concerns of the black community. With his candidacy, Dr. West pledges to ensure these concerns are heard and prioritized, paving the way for a more equitable society.

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Foreign Policy

Dr. West's stance on foreign policy encapsulates the aspirations of the black community. By advocating for a reduction in military spending, the dissolution of non-defensive alliances, and an emphasis on diplomacy over corporate interests, he mirrors the community's desire for a nation that places its citizens' needs at the forefront. This pivot away from global dominance resonates deeply with those who yearn for a more just and balanced world order.

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Humanitarian Aid

Central to Dr. West's vision is a commitment to global well-being. He showcases an unwavering compassion that transcends borders by redirecting foreign aid toward impoverished and vulnerable communities. This empathy for marginalized populations resonates strongly with the black community's call for solidarity and support for those in need worldwide. Receipt 1

Environmental Equity

By addressing environmental racism and advocating for a transition to renewable energy, Dr. West's environmental justice platform addresses the disproportionate impact of climate change on marginalized populations. This resonates deeply with the black community's concerns about the well-being of future generations.

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Uplifting Marginalized Voices

Dr. West's dedication to acknowledging and uplifting historically marginalized voices reflects his commitment to fostering inclusivity and representation. Through his candidacy, he embodies the black community's desire for a society that values and respects all perspectives.

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The Arts and Academia

Dr. West's musical collaborations and engagement with popular culture provide a unique platform for bridging the gap between academic discourse and creative expression. This ability to connect different facets of society resonates deeply with the black community's appreciation for diverse forms of cultural enrichment.

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Dr. West's Connection to Immigration

Dr. West's connection to immigration, through his marriage to Dr. Annahita Mahdavi West, adds a poignant dimension to his understanding of the immigrant experience. This resonance with the black community's history of migration and struggle fosters a sense of shared identity and solidarity.

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Breaking Barriers

As the first Black person to receive a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Princeton University, Dr. West's accomplishments inspired the black community to envision new academic excellence and leadership possibilities. His journey is a testament to the transformative power of education and determination.

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A Just Future

Dr. West's overarching vision of dismantling systemic inequalities and advocating for a more compassionate society aligns harmoniously with the black community's aspirations for a brighter and more equitable future. He offers hope and the promise of meaningful progress through his candidacy.

A Path to Economic Justice

Dr. West's call to democratize monopolies and oligopolies with workers' control echoes the black community's enduring quest for economic empowerment and fair labor practices. His commitment to a more equitable distribution of power and resources aligns with the values of economic justice.

Reparations and White Supremacy

At the heart of Dr. West's candidacy lies an unwavering commitment to addressing historical injustices. His support for reparations and a robust confrontation of white supremacy underscores his dedication to rectifying past wrongs and creating a more inclusive future.

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A Pledge of Solidarity

Dr. West's dedication to prioritizing the empowerment of indigenous communities resonates deeply with the black community's appreciation for the struggle against systemic oppression. By acknowledging and addressing the unique challenges faced by indigenous peoples, he embraces a holistic vision of justice.

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A Unified Front for Gender Equality

Dr. West's pledge to protect women's reproductive rights and combat patriarchy aligns harmoniously with the black community's call for equality and respect for all genders. His unwavering commitment to gender justice promises a more inclusive society.

Dr. West's Stand for LGBTQ+ Rights

Dr. Cornel West's campaign embodies a commitment to inclusivity and acceptance of all identities. His firm stance on securing the rights of LGBTQ+ and trans individuals resonates deeply with the black community's call for a society that embraces diversity and upholds fundamental human rights.

Immigration Policies in Focus

Dr. West's emphasis on treating migrants and asylum seekers with dignity aligns seamlessly with the black community's historical experiences of migration and discrimination. Through his advocacy for compassionate immigration policies, he exemplifies a commitment to upholding all individuals' inherent worth and rights.

A Call for Electoral Reform

Dr. West's advocacy for public financing of elections, ranked-choice voting, and eliminating the Electoral College is a testament to his commitment to a more democratic and representative government. This vision of an inclusive democracy resonates deeply with the aspirations of the black community for a fair and just political system.

Moral Imperative

Dr. West's determination to end mass incarceration and demilitarize policing speaks volumes about his commitment to dismantling systemic racism within law enforcement. Through his candidacy, he emphasizes the urgency of creating a criminal justice system that genuinely serves and protects all citizens, particularly those disproportionately targeted.

A New Era of Decriminalization and Rehabilitation

Dr. West's proposal for humane mental healthcare, drug decriminalization, and rehabilitation initiatives fascinates the black community. Acknowledging the disproportionate impact on black communities, his commitment to equitable treatment resonates deeply with those seeking a criminal justice system transformation.

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Education and Economic Progress

Dr. West's clarion call for quality education, free college tuition, and jobs with living wages aligns seamlessly with the aspirations of the black community. By championing increased access to education and economic empowerment, he epitomizes the drive for upward mobility and self-sufficiency.




In contemplating the candidacy of Dr. Cornel West for the 2024 presidency, a thought-provoking question emerges: Is he the right person to lead our nation, especially in these times of uncertainty? Dr. West's extensive academic background and unwavering advocacy for social justice present a compelling case for his leadership potential. Dr. West offers a fresh perspective as we navigate the complex landscape of America's future – rife with uncertainty, policy debates, and societal unrest. His vision for the United States, both domestically and on the global stage, challenges us to rethink traditional approaches and consider new avenues for progress.

The broader conversation prompts us to consider whether Dr. West's blend of intellectual understanding, dedication to social justice, and comprehensive policy proposals align with the needs and aspirations of our nation. Does his commitment to addressing racial injustice, poverty, and inequality resonate with the changes we hope to see in our society? Can his emphasis on diplomacy and global empathy guide us toward a more balanced world order? In times where voices of change and innovation are essential, Dr. West's presence in the presidential race introduces a vital dialogue. The very act of his candidacy encourages us to explore alternatives, question established norms, and envision a more equitable and compassionate future.

As we reflect on the path ahead, the decision about Dr. West's presidential bid warrants thoughtful consideration. It beckons us to examine his credentials and proposals and the transformative potential he represents. Whether Dr. West should become president is a decision to be weighed against America's challenges, hopes, and aspirations. The discourse surrounding his candidacy invites us all to engage, discuss, and collectively shape the course of our nation. The ultimate verdict on his candidacy rests in the hands of the citizens he aspires to serve – a testament to the enduring power of democracy and civic participation.

If any of the reasons you read have resonated with you and sparked your support for Dr. West, I encourage you to take action by clicking the link below and joining me in supporting Cornel West for the 2024 presidency. Together, we can contribute to shaping a brighter and more equitable future. I'm committed to supporting my, and I hope you'll join me in this important endeavor. Let's stand behind Dr. West's vision and work towards positive change. Click the link below to support Cornel West 2024.


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Cornel West for President
PO Box 796711
Dallas, TX 75379

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